Phone: +91 79 22149680 / 22149682
E-mail:  [email protected].

Company Information

The Company was started in 1992.It provides cutting tools and tooling solution. The company is expanding at every stage and classifying the products according to the customer needs. The technical support and marketing goes together wherein, Company not only sell the products but also gives technical support. This is how the company functions providing various products to the customer.

Our Strength
  • Expertise in the field of cutting tools.
  • Highly trained staff
  • Technical support for any kind of tools and suggestion of the tools on the basis of drawing
  • Inventory holding
  • Wide business in different cities of India like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgoan, Pune and in the districts of Gujarat like Vidhyanagar, Baroda,etc.
Authorized distributor of: TaeguTec India

We are  the Authorised Stockist of TaeguTec India P Ltd, Bangalore, the renowned manufacturer of Machining for Milling, Turning, Cutting Tools etc. etc.


We are  also the authorised stockist of YG-1 India, Thane (Mumbai). YG1 India is the wholly owned subsidiary of YG-1 Co. Ltd, Korea, the renowned manufacturer of Machine Tools like Drills, Taps, End Mills, special purpose Tooling Carbide Rotary Burrs, Spade Drills, etc. etc.
Performance & Achievements
  • STAR PERFORMER-For the outstanding performance and significant contribution towards growth in sales volume for the year 2008.
  • Certified for star performance in 2010.


Our Company’s turnover for the year 2010-2011 is 75 million.

The areas which we focus on are as follows:


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) main function is to increase customer’s retention towards the effective communication and their profitability. One of the main functions of CRM is to provide the customer, with all information and support which creates positive relationship.
Drona Impex most important distinguish is not to only think about the business, but with business to built positive relation with customer and believes in long term prospect. The director of the company (Mr. Mukesh Chaudhari) maintains relationship with the customer. The approach can be through different modes of communication and guides them for the appropriate product and gives best recommendation possible.

There are different department which are as follows:

Marketing Department:

This department is in constant touch with the customer and look after the requirement of customers. It helps in selecting the right tooling required for your project and decides the pricing factor.

Accounts Department:

The role of accounts department in Drona  Impex is:
  1. Financial accounting: financial and fixed asset reporting; payroll; accounts payable
  2. Accounting function: maintain the general and subsidiary ledgers; process and record all revenues and prepare general purpose financial statements.
  3. Accounting oversight and guidance to other internal departments to ensure the gap, legal requirements, policies and procedures - all consistently applied to maintain the integrity of the financial records.
  4. Management accounting - budgeting, performance evaluation, cost management, asset management
The primary function of an accounting department is to track all revenue and expenditures.

Inventory Management:

  • This department keeps a check on the stock on day to day basis.
  • Immediate response to any type of queries and new inquiries.
  • Data feeding.
  • Maintaining the inventory.
Technical Department:

If there are any suggestion required or trial to be conducted then our engineers are always there to make a personal visit and recommend what is beneficial to your firm or company.

They also help customers in selecting the tools for the component on the basis of drawing provided by the customer.


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